Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Shameless Self Promotion No. 6

Barbara Custer, editor of Night to Dawn magazine, was kind enough to reprint my review of Octavia Butler's Fledgling recently. Appearing in Night to Dawn, Issue 14, the review is just one reason to check out this vampire-themed publication. Also appearing in the issue is fiction by Tom Johnson, Angeline Hawkes, Wayne Summers and Caroline Bernard-Smith; poetry by John Grey, William Blake Vogel III and Cathy Buburuz; and artwork by Buburuz, Marge Simon and Chris Friend.

I have long been a fan of Chris Friend's illustrations, incidentally. I probably first became acquainted with his work in the pages of magazines like Deathrealm, Black Petals and Dreams and Nightmares. To wonder at the weirdness of his work, visit his web gallery.

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